Attending: Eve, Gil, Allan, Colin Agenda: - "The very long thread” on legal use cases Eve was driving at “negative use cases”, to get at the points where things go wrong and legal experts are needed. E.g., what happens if Bob gets access outside Alice’s stated policy? Mark is intending to map use cases to consent receipts. Adrian is keen to explore Alice-run/built AS variants. - UMA release schedule update We have all hands on deck for working on the patch release, and we’re on track for our stated timeline. We refactored the non-backlog issue list. - UMA Dev update Save the date: A kickoff call is planned for that WG on Sep 9 (in APAC time zones). - GitHub repo hygiene Eve is thinking about requiring collaborator status to submit GitHub issues (that is, “closing" the repo). Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: xmlgrrl@gmail.com