Here's a use-case to consider for UMA and IoT: Replacing the condo front door key-fob by assuming everyone who might need a fob has a smartphone.

Most condos use a key-fob to secure doors that don't have a doorman. The gray fob on your keychain is expensive and inconvenient when it needs to be passed around to guests or causes phone calls to neighbors when an authorized visitor does not have the fob. Now assume that a smartphone as UMA Client replaces the fobs and that the door lock is connected to the Internet as an UMA Resource Server controlled by the condo management as RSO.

This use-case highlights at least two issues around UMA and IoT. First, it seems unreasonable to consider this a narrow or medium ecosystem use-case. The condo apartment owner would not be pleased to have as many UMA Authorization Servers to deal with as she has situations of controlled access to a shared resource.

Second, the nature of the UMA solution may need to be sensitive to proximity and redundancy so that a RqP with a (wireless) LAN connection can access the lock even if the WAN is inaccessible. Where is the condo apartment owner's AS located? Isn't it in the apartment with both LAN and WAN connections? This works for Thing resources within radio range but could benefit from a synchronization mechanism that allows the RO's AS to be more or less replicated in the cloud.



Adrian Gropper MD

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