Due to a glitch in the publisher’s website yesterday, the correct URL is now:


Sorry for any confusion,
 — Justin

On Sep 17, 2015, at 1:32 PM, Justin Richer <jricher@MIT.EDU> wrote:

Hi all,

First, apologies for the cross-posting while we’re trying to get the word out today.

Antonio Sanso and I are writing a book about OAuth 2, and it’s just gone up for pre-order on the publisher’s website: 


You can download the first chapter for free, and if you pre-order you’ll get the first three chapters immediately and more as they get finished. You’ll also be able to give us feedback on the book that we can incorporate into the final publication, so it’s a great way to help make sure this reference is the best it can be. Plus, they’ve given us a discount code that gets you half off for the next couple days: mloauth2 

We cover UMA in one of the later chapters of the book, talking about how it uses OAuth to solve a more advanced use case, and the kinds of things that it has added to OAuth in order to do that. We also cover two things that were originally born of UMA, dynamic client registration and token introspection, in depth in their own chapters.

So, sorry for the commercial message, I’m just very excited that this is finally getting out there.

 — Justin
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