http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+legal+subgroup+notes... 2016-09-09 - Working session on User-Managed Access (UMA) in Contractual and Regulatory Contexts <https://docs.google.com/a/wunderlich.ca/document/d/1HGM5-PoJFMnepyrTX91hqHKQ-qNgNxgQjkzqod7Otto/edit?usp=sharing> Attending: Eve, Ann, Kathleen, John W, Adrian, Scott D We discussed Eve's new slide describing "key benefits to users" at a high level as a potential way of fleshing out the next subsection of the primer. - Not just opt-in or opt-out when asked - Sharing, unsharing, and editing of sharing preferences allowed at any time, without external influence - Possible to offer a service that centralizes sharing preference management across data services for user convenience - The central service doesn’t see any of the data - It acts on the user’s policy instructions when others attempt access to data services - The user can choose to share whatever “grain” of access each data service offers - Such as read vs. write, or weight vs. fat mass We've now added and wordsmithed this. Instead of the spiral or the simplified spiral in the primer, John suggests a very friendly version of the "three phases" paradigm (as suggested by Adrian) that's already explained in the spec <https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/rec-uma-core-v1_0_1.html#introduction>. He will sketch what's he's thinking of, and we'll ask Domenico to turn it into something beautiful! *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl