Re: [WG-UMA] ANCR WG Launch Invitation

Hi, We are very excited about the opportunities to collaborate and look forward to a reviewing and sharing. This is very much an open invitation and happy to review and share, as I believe we have a new wiki space we can add it to. Thank you Lisa, Mark PS I sent multiple emails but they didn’t get through to the ISI-WG list. But at last this last invite was from Smart Species email address
On Jan 27, 2021, at 9:00 PM, Lisa LeVasseur <> wrote:
Hi Mark,
Looks like an interesting couple of meetings. Unfortunately, I’m unable to make tomorrow’s call.
I notice that[IEEE P7012]( Readable Personal Privacy Terms) isn’t included in your landscape, and I think there may be meaningful overlap.
Our most recent work in P7012 is the drafting of a baseline data schema that can describe private, legally binding, information sharing agreements, whether they are (a) notice & choice [aka “consent”], (b) two-party contract, or (c) license. This proposed structure is syntax-agnostic; Mary (Hodder) is currently creating a version of the Creative Commons No Stalking terms in the[Accord Project’s]( using our draft schema, for example.
We haven’t fully tackled interop yet, but Bernd Blobel is advocating for aligning with ISO 23903 (Health informatics — Interoperability and Integration Reference Architecture – Model and Framework ) for interoperability; we’re still navigating that.
It would be great if we could get some synergy across these efforts.
Thanks! Lisa
From:WG-UMA <>On Behalf OfSmart Species Sent:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 4:36 PM To:Salvatore D'Agostino <>; Vitor Jesus <> WG <>; Kantara Leadership Council <>; Subject:[WG-UMA] ANCR WG Launch Invitation
Hello Kantara Community
We hope this email finds you and yours safe and well.
We are ecstatic to invite you- to the ANCR WG introduction (on Jan 28th where we are discussing data governance interoperability with notice and consent receipts work and discussion that is in progress.
Information for the sessions tomorrow are below.
Kind Regards,
- Mark
Goto meeting call details, (with some guidance):
- you do not have to login to GotoMeeting to access the call,
- we will be recording the event - and we intend to share this on the Public ANCR WG page
- And, as a result, we do not require to put your video on, and you do not have to share information in the call, but, we recommend our normal practice of showing your video when you speak.
- This is not an official ANCR work group meeting, details for work group sign up are provided after the launch.
You can join the ANCR WG Launch from your computer, tablet or smartphone. And stay in the Video Call for the Demo’ Sessions -
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 562-338-533
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready for your the ANCR Launch meeting starts:
ANCR WG - Launch
Session 1: - Data Gov Interop Landscape 2021
Scheduled: Jan 28, 2021 at 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM
Introductions to topic, each other & WG
Kantara ANCR WG - Sal & Vitor
ISO 29184/27560 - Mark
W3C -DPVC - CG - Beatrix
ToiP-ISIWG - DDE Architecture (MMM)- Paul
UMA Legal Editor - Tim Reinegar
MyData/aNG, : Matthias, Olivier
ANCR WG -Demo’s
Session 2: Demo's - Receipts and Dynamic Data Economy
Scheduled: Jan 28, 2021 at 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM
(Up to 9 min Demo’s +2-3 min chat)
- Vitor - Privacy As Expected: Consent Gateway
- Paul - Data Immunity Passport
- Christoph - Data Sharing Hub
- Lal - iGrant
- Xavier - Fair Data
participants (1)
Smart Species