Implementation of UMA issues

Hi everyone, There are a bunch of issues open on the UMA spec that are currently awaiting assignment to some future revision of the specification as they’d break backwards compatibility in a not-fun fashion. Instead of simply letting these languish here awaiting their time in the spotlight, we decided to go ahead and implement them all together using MITREid Connect (an UMA 1.0.1 implementation) as a base. Changes include: - Removal of the RPT endpoint, in favor of using the token endpoint and a new grant type (#153) - Removal of the AAT (#154) - Removal of extraneous bits of the resource set registration URL pattern (#155) - Alignment of the discovery document with OIDC discovery (#157) - Removal of “version” field in discovery document, instead document is published under new .well-known URL pattern (#159) - Change use of “scopes” name in responses to something more explicit (#158) - Ability of client to specify scopes in token request (#165) - Addition of the claims-gathering URL to the need_info response, removal of “redirect_user” as redundant in this case (#167) - Simplification of the “need_info” response structure, removal of extraneous object layers (#237) - Rotation of ticket values on all requests to token endpoint or claims endpoint to mitigate session fixation and related attacks (#239, #205) As noted above, these are all filed as issues with the UMA working group and all have been well documented to date. We built what we thought would be the best solution to each of these issues in turn. We’ve implemented all of these changes in a branch in our server that we’re putting under the title “multiparty”, as in “multiparty delegation protocol”. Since this isn’t compliant with UMA (in some cases by design), these changes are not in our master branch nor in our release stream at this time. But the code is still publicly available: We’ve also implemented a very, very simple client and a very, very simple protected resource using the same changes above, as well as all the “best practice” recommended changes in 1.0.1 that should probably become requirements in future versions (such as returning the ticket in a header from the resource): You can run all three of these components together on a localhost Tomcat instance to try them out. Speaking from my own personal experience developing both this new code set and the original UMA spec, I can say that I prefer this new version hands down. The code is drastically simplified in a number of places, information flow is much cleaner overall, and there’s less guesswork expected of components at each step. The nature of some of these changes (like removal of the AAT) make this new protocol immediately more applicable to a wide ecosystem use case as well. — Justin
participants (1)
Justin Richer