Fwd: 4 Days Left to Register Your SOUPS 2018 Paper Submissions!

FYI. Sorry for not having flagged this earlier. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sonia Chiasson <sonia.chiasson@usenix.org> Date: Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 9:53 AM Subject: 4 Days Left to Register Your SOUPS 2018 Paper Submissions! To: "eve@xmlgrrl.com" <eve@xmlgrrl.com> [image: SOUPS 2018, August 12–14, 2018, in Baltimore, MD, USA] <http://s.usenix.org/acton/ct/2452/s-0268-1802/Bct/l-1bc7/l-1bc7:db/ct0_0/1?sid=TV2%3Acn2TiimDP> Greetings, This is a final reminder to register your paper submissions for the Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2018 <http://s.usenix.org/acton/ct/2452/s-0268-1802/Bct/l-1bc7/l-1bc7:db/ct0_1/1?sid=TV2%3Acn2TiimDP>). The deadline to do so is this *Monday, February 12*. Paper registration is mandatory. Make sure to review the Call for Papers <http://s.usenix.org/acton/ct/2452/s-0268-1802/Bct/l-1bc7/l-1bc7:db/ct1_0/1?sid=TV2%3Acn2TiimDP> for submission instructions. You still have time to submit proposals for workshops, tutorials, and hackathons that support exploration and networking related to topics of interest to the usable privacy and security community. The proposal deadline is *Monday, February 26*. See the Call for Workshops, Tutorials, and Hackathons <http://s.usenix.org/acton/ct/2452/s-0268-1802/Bct/l-1bc7/l-1bc7:db/ct2_0/1?sid=TV2%3Acn2TiimDP> for details and information on how to participate. We look forward to receiving your submissions! Sonia Chiasson, *Carleton University* Rob Reeder, *Google* SOUPS 2018 Technical Papers Co-Chairs soups18chairs@usenix.org The email address sonia.chiasson@usenix.org is for automated list management only (e.g., email changes, unsubscribe requests). To contact the SOUPS 2018 Chairs, please use soups18chairs@usenix.org. This alias will reach Program Committee Chairs Sonia Chiasson and Rob Reeder, as well as General Chair Mary Ellen Zurko and Vice General Chair Heather Richter Lipford. About this mailing list: USENIX never shares, sells, rents, or exchanges email addresses of its members or conference attendees. We would like to continue sending you occasional email announcements like this one. However, if you no longer want to receive emails from USENIX, please click here <http://s.usenix.org/acton/rif/2452/s-0268-1802/-/l-1bc7:db/l-1bc7/zout?sid=TV2%3Acn2TiimDP> to opt out. If you have any questions about the mailing list, please email office@usenix.org. We may also be reached via postal mail at: USENIX Association 2560 Ninth St, Suite 215, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA <https://maps.google.com/?q=2560+Ninth+St,+Suite+215,+Berkeley,+CA+94710,+USA&entry=gmail&source=g>
participants (1)
Eve Maler