E-ballot: Whether to approve the UMA2 specs as Draft Recommendations and forward them to the LC

(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.) This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/84279306/Kantara%20Operating%20Procedures%20V2.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1473415277000&api=v2> (see Section 7.2). *Resolution 2017-09-05-A:* Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-WJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t_XXu_QkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-ENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX_M-aUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu_TKXqsCg> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations. WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Participant+Roster>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), *please respond in this thread* with one of the following: [ ] Yes [ ] No *(you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why)* [ ] Abstain For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at *10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017*, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

Correction: The ballot closes on Sep 12, not Sep 5! It must be a week long. Sorry about the error! Eve Maler (sent from my iPad) | cell +1 425 345 6756
On Sep 5, 2017, at 10:07 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 (see Section 7.2).
Resolution 2017-09-05-A: Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 and FedAuthz rev 08 as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), please respond in this thread with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No (you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why) [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at 10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
Eve Maler Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

Yes --&e On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 6:07 AM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/84279306/Kantara%20Operating%20Procedures%20V2.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1473415277000&api=v2> (see Section 7.2).
*Resolution 2017-09-05-A:* Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-WJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t_XXu_QkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-ENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX_M-aUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu_TKXqsCg> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Participant+Roster>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), *please respond in this thread* with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No *(you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why)* [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at *10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017*, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 <(425)%20345-6756> | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
_______________________________________________ WG-UMA mailing list WG-UMA@kantarainitiative.org https://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/wg-uma
-- Andrew Hindle Hindle Consulting Limited +44 7966 136543 Schedule a meeting <https://freebusy.io/andrew@hindleconsulting.com/30min> -- ------------------------------ Hindle Consulting Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number: 8888564. Registered office: Claremont House, Deans Court, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 6BW, UK.

Yes. --Cigdem From: WG-UMA <wg-uma-bounces@kantarainitiative.org> on behalf of Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> Date: Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 06:07 To: "wg-uma@kantarainitiative.org WG" <wg-uma@kantarainitiative.org> Subject: [WG-UMA] E-ballot: Whether to approve the UMA2 specs as Draft Recommendations and forward them to the LC (You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.) This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0<https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/84279306/Kantara%20Operating%20Procedures%20V2.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1473415277000&api=v2> (see Section 7.2). Resolution 2017-09-05-A: Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08<https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-WJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t_XXu_QkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs> and FedAuthz rev 08<https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-ENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX_M-aUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu_TKXqsCg> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments<https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations. WG voting participants (the current roster is here<https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Participant+Roster>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), please respond in this thread with one of the following: [ ] Yes [ ] No (you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why) [ ] Abstain For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at 10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time. Eve Maler Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

Yes. Domenico
On 6 Sep 2017, at 07:07, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_download_attachments_84279306_Kantara-2520Operating-2520Procedures-2520V2.0.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1473415277000-26api-3Dv2&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=3ABJcZaDFgCDh3zU2JS2FKRKrZjTR4Im5I_gZALj2Bg&e=> (see Section 7.2).
Resolution 2017-09-05-A: Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com_attach_c51693320287d_oauth-2Duma-2Dgrant-2D2.0-2D08.html-3Fpart-3D0.1-26view-3D1-26vt-3DANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-2DWJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t-5FXXu-5FQkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=mlh8V8VHnXbUE9ABy2KenrmQWAWOGc6ox9qm8bgFDBE&e=> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com_attach_c51693320287d_oauth-2Duma-2Dfederated-2Dauthz-2D2.0-2D08.html-3Fpart-3D0.2-26view-3D1-26vt-3DANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-2DENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX-5FM-2DaUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu-5FTKXqsCg&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=LAHdq2SeNtYr3_7NtYGGbJ-TtD8wEGVGWDbUV5yDPtw&e=> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_display_uma_UMA-2BV2.0-2BDisposition-2Bof-2BComments&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=NsmwwwX24zDzK2M56g4zLPa972oiIMXtyr9gEaLuYA4&e=>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_display_uma_Participant-2BRoster&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=GMsAtxj7qO8rWIRLwWQbGkoeNoVyQF_qGWywRauh87c&e=>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), please respond in this thread with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No (you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why) [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at 10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
Eve Maler Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
_______________________________________________ WG-UMA mailing list WG-UMA@kantarainitiative.org https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_mailman_listinfo_wg-2Duma&d=DwICAg&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=-p2RcSzjiJkxbFY6Ua4R66XCrbblZlGfvbTGS0bGLOs&e=

Yes. Kind regards, Maciej On 6 September 2017 at 18:25, Domenico Catalano < domenico.catalano@oracle.com> wrote:
Yes. Domenico
On 6 Sep 2017, at 07:07, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_download_attachments_84279306_Kantara-2520Operating-2520Procedures-2520V2.0.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1473415277000-26api-3Dv2&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=3ABJcZaDFgCDh3zU2JS2FKRKrZjTR4Im5I_gZALj2Bg&e=> (see Section 7.2).
*Resolution 2017-09-05-A:* Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com_attach_c51693320287d_oauth-2Duma-2Dgrant-2D2.0-2D08.html-3Fpart-3D0.1-26view-3D1-26vt-3DANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-2DWJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t-5FXXu-5FQkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=mlh8V8VHnXbUE9ABy2KenrmQWAWOGc6ox9qm8bgFDBE&e=> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com_attach_c51693320287d_oauth-2Duma-2Dfederated-2Dauthz-2D2.0-2D08.html-3Fpart-3D0.2-26view-3D1-26vt-3DANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-2DENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX-5FM-2DaUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu-5FTKXqsCg&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=LAHdq2SeNtYr3_7NtYGGbJ-TtD8wEGVGWDbUV5yDPtw&e=> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_display_uma_UMA-2BV2.0-2BDisposition-2Bof-2BComments&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=NsmwwwX24zDzK2M56g4zLPa972oiIMXtyr9gEaLuYA4&e=>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kantarainitiative.org_confluence_display_uma_Participant-2BRoster&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJqqTnWFFwG09kCU&s=GMsAtxj7qO8rWIRLwWQbGkoeNoVyQF_qGWywRauh87c&e=>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), *please respond in this thread* with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No *(you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why)* [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at *10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017*, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 <+1%20425-345-6756> | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
_______________________________________________ WG-UMA mailing list WG-UMA@kantarainitiative.org https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ kantarainitiative.org_mailman_listinfo_wg-2Duma&d=DwICAg&c= RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PQcxBKCX5YTpkKY057SbK10&r=XNltElM3S_ Jr8QHuEcIg8zgDYyTBaejnoMwxYD-aLTo&m=b8PXvmEYHI8phVpiE9PebQBUjN0YJq qTnWFFwG09kCU&s=-p2RcSzjiJkxbFY6Ua4R66XCrbblZlGfvbTGS0bGLOs&e=
_______________________________________________ WG-UMA mailing list WG-UMA@kantarainitiative.org https://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/wg-uma
-- Maciej Machulak email: maciej.machulak@gmail.com mobile: +48 602 45 31 66 (PL)

Yes. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/84279306/Kantara%20Operating%20Procedures%20V2.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1473415277000&api=v2> (see Section 7.2).
*Resolution 2017-09-05-A:* Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-WJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t_XXu_QkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-ENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX_M-aUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu_TKXqsCg> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Participant+Roster>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), *please respond in this thread* with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No *(you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why)* [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at *10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017*, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 <(425)%20345-6756> | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

Since we've received votes from all seven voting participants (in this thread <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kantara-initiative-uma-wg/Pt3kVX5oQmk> and here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kantara-initiative-uma-wg/ncZGE_9dXtQ> and here <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kantara-initiative-uma-wg/JITRsmrfX6Q>), I am hereby closing this electronic ballot a couple of days early. All have voted to approve the rev 08 specifications as Draft Recommendations and to forward them to the LC, so Colin and Andrew Hughes, please take this as your signal. :-) (I will coordinate with you at the Kantara workshop tomorrow, and report back to the WG.) Thanks and congratulations to everyone on reaching this milestone! *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 <(425)%20345-6756> | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(You will find revisions 08 of the specifications in the email archives for now. We'll try to get them up in the usual place soon.)
This electronic ballot is designed to conform to Kantara's Operating Procedures 2.0 <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/84279306/Kantara%20Operating%20Procedures%20V2.0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1473415277000&api=v2> (see Section 7.2).
*Resolution 2017-09-05-A:* Having disposed of all Public Comment/IPR Review period comments, approve UMA 2.0 Grant rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrFvCIhLx5ynafFOAUd-WJtLEfRuPkJhVV98hFZVICEFzWLi8Wl0t_XXu_QkXiVLrPEotwXPWx4pijfbR3K0V7veMPGfVhD5KEwBtDq38WD1GhE2xzs> and FedAuthz rev 08 <https://08620661282160442115.googlegroups.com/attach/c51693320287d/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrH44vvVESx1O394JPtKMQd-ENXZrzx6OiKdy9sI22wfgtSWa06gclstW6wZgQSNEv41E6kE6ehdX_M-aUfT996bvsT0TLWUZ1SNIazEdKu_TKXqsCg> as Draft Recommendations and forward them, with reference to the UMA 2.0 Disposition of Comments <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments>, to the Kantara Leadership Council to request their certification and determination of their next step towards finalization as Recommendations.
WG voting participants (the current roster is here <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Participant+Roster>; eligible voters are Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, and Cigdem), *please respond in this thread* with one of the following:
[ ] Yes [ ] No *(you are encouraged to provide a rationale explaining why)* [ ] Abstain
For the ballot to be valid, a majority of eligible voters must return a vote (including "Abstain"). For the ballot to pass, the "Yes" votes must exceed the "No" votes. This ballot closes at *10:59:59pm Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday 5 Sep 2017*, or earlier at the Chair's discretion if all eligible voters have voted before that time.
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 <(425)%20345-6756> | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
participants (5)
Andrew Hindle
Cigdem Sengul
Domenico Catalano
Eve Maler
Maciej Machulak