Agenda for UMA telecon 2016-02-18

Lots of interesting stuff to discuss and decide tomorrow. Please try and join. Date and Time - *Thu Feb 18,* 9-10am PT - Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 (international dial-in lines <>), room code 178-2540# - Screen sharing: - *NOTE:* *IGNORE* the dial-in line shown here in favor of the dial-in info above (Kantara "line C" and the Skype line) - UMA calendar: Agenda - Roll call - Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2016-01-07 <> - Review the recommendations for issue #239 and decide and execute on next actions - Proposal: Regardless of other decisions, develop a non-normative analysis of the attack and mitigations; revise as appropriate depending on other decisions taken (Sarah has this AI already) - Proposal: Develop an extension specification, Enhanced Claims-Gathering Security Extension, to require cycling of the permission ticket when using the claims-gathering extension - For discussion: Consider also handling issue #167 in this extension if it has a security rationale - For discussion (thanks Andi for these two new bullets!): Consider updating the UMA Core spec in some way to point non-normatively to the extension spec, and/or mention it from the UIG - For discussion (possibly at a later juncture): Consider if/when/how to fold the extension into a future UMA version (likely to be captured as a GitHub issue) - For meta-discussion: What to do right now, as soon as we decide all this? - Kicking off #wideeco discussion: inputs from Eve/James and others - Making plans for IIW - Thoughts on tasks we can accomplish there: CIS-flavored, legal-flavored, and interop-flavored efforts? - Who will definitely be there? Whose plans are contingent on the WG's plans? - Charter-bashing <> (thanks Adrian for kicking this off!) - AOB *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
participants (1)
Eve Maler