Notes from UMA Legal telecon 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 Attending: Eve, Kathleen, Tim, Devon, Theresa, John, Bjorn, Mark Agenda: - Review what we learned in yesterday's joint UMA/Consent Receipts call - Look at new language in Business Model Paper 5 - Figure out what we can accomplish by the end of the year In HIPAA, there's "consent directives". "Release of information", "patient right of access", and "authorization" all mean the same thing. There is no authorization required for TPO (treatment, payment, and operations). For operations, an entity has to have, or have had, some kind of relationship with the patient. A "covered entity" (a term of art) would then have "HIPAA consent" (different from regular consent, which the patient has no ability to *not* grant). There's implied and specific consent. ISO standard 17975 <>, *Health informatics -- Principles and data requirements for consent in the Collection, Use or Disclosure of personal health information*, lays this out. HITECH has now been absorbed under HIPAA. If you pay for any services completely out of pocket, then the provider must honor your "dissent" (an opt-out). "Grantor's choice" is where the provider has no choice; it's another kind of directive regarding a "right-of-access request". Can we map UMA's sweet and sour spots to these definitions of consent, for various laws and regulations? The paper needs to do this at a shallow level to be credible; the tools need to do this at a deeper level. The theory is that our framework can lighten the load of anyone building their legal/contractual/licensing layer not only through templating but also, potentially, through business process modeling. This is where a CommonAccord workflow can help as part of the tooling. *AI:* Eve: Talk to Andrew about whether our WG can get access to the ISO standard through KI's liaison relationship. *AI:* Eve: Work on legal diagrams. *AI:* Tim: Add legal definitions to the paper. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
participants (1)
Eve Maler