Fwd: Reminder: Public review for comments and IPR review for Kantara Initiative UMA 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization and Federated Authorization for UMA 2.0

FYI. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Megan Cannon <megan@kantarainitiative.org> Date: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 7:39 AM Subject: Reminder: Public review for comments and IPR review for Kantara Initiative UMA 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization and Federated Authorization for UMA 2.0 To: announcements@kantarainitiative.org Dear Kantara Initiative Members and Community, This is a formal notice. Members of the Kantara Initiative User Managed Access Work Group (UMAWG) have recently concluded a round of public review, compiled comments, updated the original drafts, and approved the *User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization* and *Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0*. The documents described below now enter a second 45-day public comment and IPR review period in preparation for a member ballot to consider their approval as Kantara Initiative Recommendations. Document 1: User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization (revision 08) Document 2: Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 (revision 08) Version: 2.0 Document Date: 2017-09-04 Document URLs: User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization <https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/oauth-uma-grant-2.0-08.html> and Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 <https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0-08.html> To see a summary of comments and changes made related to the first public comment period, see this Disposition of Comments <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+V2.0+Disposition+of+Comments> document. Overview of Documents: *User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0 Authorization:* This specification defines a means for a client, representing a requesting party, to use a permission ticket to request an OAuth 2.0 access token to gain access to a protected resource asynchronously from the time a resource owner authorizes access. *Federated Authorization for User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0:* This specification defines a means for an UMA-enabled authorization server and resource server to be loosely coupled, or federated, in a resource owner context. This is an open invitation to comment. Kantara Initiative solicits feedback from potential users, developers and other interested parties, whether Kantara Initiative members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of its technical work. Public Review and IPR Review Period Opens: 2017-09-28 *Review period closes: 2017-11-12 at 11:59 UTC* *To Comment on the Specification:* To comment please email your comments to staff@kantarainitiative.org with the subject "UMAWG COMMENT SUBMISSION" referencing the section or sub-section number, your comment and your proposed text to change. *Intellectual Property Rights Notice: * In accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 5 and the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures Article 6, you have a period of 45 days to review the draft specification for any Necessary Claims that may be implicated by the draft specification. While there is no requirement to review your patent portfolio for Necessary Claims, please be advised that unless you provide a licensing objection in accordance with the Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 5 or a notice of withdrawal in accordance with Kantara Initiative IPR Policy Article 6 on or before 2017-11-12 at 11:59 UTC, you will have committed to the licensing provisions as set forth by the Patent & Copyright: Reciprocal Royalty Free with Opt-Out to Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory (RAND) IPR Policy with respect to any Necessary Claims implicated by the final approved specification. Having signed the Group Participation Agreement (GPA) all members of the UMAWG should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved Kantara Initiative specification. Kantara Initiative invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification so that these notices may be provided to the UMAWG. To submit an IPR Necessary Claim, email staff@kantarainitiative.org with the subject "UMAWG IPR CLAIM". Please contact the Kantara Initiative staff at staff@kantarainitiative.org with any questions regarding this notice. Best Regards, Megan Cannon Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Kantara D: +1.781.876.6287 <(781)%20876-6287> | M: +1.781.258.5523 <(781)%20258-5523> megan@kantarainitiative.org kantarainitiative.org <http://www.kantarainitiative.org/> 401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA [image: Kantara-Logo] Click here to unsubscribe: https://kantarainitiative.org/ mailman/options/announcements/eve%40xmlgrrl.com?password= maobupbo&unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1
participants (1)
Eve Maler