Dear all members of this list, as agreed last week in Brussels during IOS meeting. EIfEL will involve its communities in this program for two specific use cases: a.. HR-XML Europass CV: a concrete interoperability use-case on CV privacy and data exchange a.. ePortfolio: a more complex use case on global user privacy These use cases have been added to the Concordia wiki. For both of these use cases as we discuss last week, it seems that it may be possible to use OpenID as well as Liberty specs for different purposes without any conflict. This work is clearly related to our event roadmap: - The June seminar on Interoperability of CVs (http://events.eife-l.org/cv07/) to focus on the first use case. - The October international ePortfolio conference in Maastricht (http://events.eife-l.org/ep2007/) to focus on both use cases. Thanks for this initiative. Best regards, Marc Van Coillie CTO EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning)