Hi all,
I put together some action items for us to prep for RSA, along with the draft content for the website. Please take a look and edit, and I will get the approved content to Oliver and up on the site.
I'm looking forward to meeting you in person next week!
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
Hi all,
We are hoping to hold our next full discussion group call on February 22 at 12pm ET. We'd like to recap RSA, and have a full readout from all teams. Please let me know if you will be able to attend and give that report. If not, please let me know who might be able to stand in.
Thank you,
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
Probably best to get this out now rather than waiting for the website to be
in shape for public consumption.
I think the plan was for Andrew to tweet from @id_pros and then the rest of
us will retweet that.
Will you be at #RSAC ? Join the discussion to create a new professional
organization for IAM practitioners: @id_pros
Sarah Squire
Engage Identity
Hi all,
Here is the agenda for our call today. I look forward to connecting!
1. RSA
a. BoF Session plan
b. Other working session?
2. Sponsorships
3. Review Working Groups progress
a. Code of Conduct
b. Member Services
c. Book of Knowledge
4. Next DG meeting?
5. AOB
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Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
Spin up a simple website for IDPro such that we can start taking in
founding members (and their money)?
Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
+1 202 255 3166
@iglazer <https://twitter.com/iglazer>
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for the call this morning - it was a lot to absorb, so if questions come up between now and our next meeting, please send them my way.
I have on the calendar a DG meeting for tomorrow - but since we didn't get to review the working groups yesterday, shall we cancel until next week?
Let me know, thanks!
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
Hi all,
I have a meeting scheduled for noon tomorrow. Code of Conduct seems complete, but we can discuss Membership, and Thorsten is available to discuss Book of Knowledge. Shall we move forward and keep it on the calendar? If so, I'll send a reminder first thing in the morning.
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA