Hello everyone, I met with the leadership of the Leadership Council today, and they recommended I forward this email to you. As you probably know, the PEMC and Kantara partnered with the OpenID Foundation and brought on Heather Flanagan to write a white paper. That was done and was released at the beginning of the summer. Heather has now contacted us to see if we would like to add additional information. While I am sure John Wunderlich will send this to the full PEMC, you may also want to offer some suggestions. Please send your suggested edits to me and copy staff@kantarainitiative.org. The staff will collate all suggestions and send them to Heather in one Kantara submission. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please note her deadlines are relatively short, so be aware if you choose to suggest any edits or make comments, those will need to be submitted to the staff no later than July 28 in order for us to have time to collate everything. Thanks for your input. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Kay *Kay Chopard | **Executive Director* *Twitter:* @KantaraNews *LinkedIn:* @KantaraInitiative ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Heather Flanagan <hlf@sphericalcowconsulting.com> Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 5:54 PM Subject: Invitation to update text for the Government-Issued Digital Credentials and the Privacy Landscape white paper To: Kantara Initiative <kay@kantarainitiative.org> Cc: Gail Hodges <gail.hodges@oidf.org> Hello all, I hope you are having an excellent summer! As you may be aware, the ‘*Government-Issued Digital Credentials and the Privacy Landscape’* paper was received quite well at EIC, ID4Africa, and Identiverse. It is being featured in blog posts, a podcast, and direct feedback has been excellent. With all that buzz comes an opportunity for us to do a short, focused update on the paper to capture some of the feedback received. As signatories on the paper, we would like to invite Kantara to join this effort to create a v1.1 of the paper. If your organizations have specific content that you think would enhance the paper, now is a good time to submit it for inclusion. This is not a full revision of the document; we are not trying to change the recommendations or add additional countries at this time. That more extensive work will come when we are ready to pull together a v2.0 of the paper, possibly in 2024. We will be accepting material from your organizations from now through 31 July 2023. After that, I will make sure the material is properly incorporated into the document and the proposed final v.1.1 for your approval (approvals will be due by 22 August 2023). The goal is to have the updated paper published by 24 August 2023. I am including an MS Word document of the v1.0 of the paper. I am happy to accept proposed text via tracked changes in this document, and I will pull together a consolidated tracked change document of all changes prior to publication. If you have any questions, or if you do not feel that you have material to add at this time, please let me know! Heather Flanagan Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting Founder, The Writer’s Comfort Zone <http://linkedin.com/in/hlflanagan/> <http://twitter.com/sphcow> Translator of Geek to Human hlf@sphericalcowconsulting.com