This is the output from today's group discussion. For those who attended, please confirm that I have accurately captured what we discussed. Anyone interested in duplicating Slide 2 and identifying countermeasures, have at it. It does not need to be pretty. I can figure that out later. C. Maxine Most Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence +1 720 530 5836 640 W. Linden St, Louisville, CO 80027, USA www.acuitymi.com [signature_794313856]<https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxinemost/> [A close up of a logo Description automatically generated] <https://twitter.com/cmaxmost> [signature_1821560399]

Here is the shell for the report. I played around with a couple of different icons in slides 6 and 7 for signals processing and IDV Decision Engine. Take you pick I also duplicated each of the process diagrams - on a white background and on the Kantara slide format background; Let me know which you think works best. C. Maxine Most Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence +1 720 530 5836 640 W. Linden St, Louisville, CO 80027, USA www.acuitymi.com [signature_1818226891]<https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxinemost/> [A close up of a logo Description automatically generated] <https://twitter.com/cmaxmost> [signature_3783525593] From: maxine most <cmaxmost@acuity-mi.com> Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 12:08 PM To: dg-deepfakesidv@kantarainitiative.org <dg-deepfakesidv@kantarainitiative.org> Subject: Process diagram This is the output from today's group discussion. For those who attended, please confirm that I have accurately captured what we discussed. Anyone interested in duplicating Slide 2 and identifying countermeasures, have at it. It does not need to be pretty. I can figure that out later. C. Maxine Most Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence +1 720 530 5836 640 W. Linden St, Louisville, CO 80027, USA www.acuitymi.com [signature_794313856]<https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxinemost/> [A close up of a logo Description automatically generated] <https://twitter.com/cmaxmost> [signature_1821560399]
participants (1)
maxine most