Ingo, One thought I had would be to present an update to the presentation I gave last year in which I described some of the risks and threats of the IoT. This could be done as a solo presentation or a panel. Given EICC's preference for panels that might be best. I have become increasingly concerned about the potential to create global chaos by systematically compromising large numbers of IoT devices. This could be done by either a criminal organization or a nation state. I have attached the presentation for reference. Jeff On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 4:11 PM, <> wrote:
Dear All,
We were ask to present at the European Identity Conference (5.5. until 9.5.) in Munich.
This could be a presentation or a panel or both.
So if you have topics or ideas to present please let me know.
We can talk about it in our next conf call on Friday.
Best Ingo
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