The Attribute Management Draft Charter (attached) has received great
response and input. The Charter seems ready to move forward. However we
are lacking a Convener. We need an individual to volunteer as Convener to
get the DG moving. This person could choose to seek group consensus to stay
on as a leader or step down during subsequent DG elections.
I'm asking for a volunteer(s) to respond to me directly (and please cc' Anna
@ kantarainitiative.org) Note: responding to the full list distro will
trigger a series of bounces so please just send to Anna and I. Once we have
a volunteer the charter can go to LC to move forward.
Thanks in advance!
Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @ ieee-isto.org
gtalk: jonibrennan
skype: upon request
Join the conversation on the community@ list -
Hello WGs / DGs,
The WGs/DGs copied are being contacted because this draft charter identifies
each group as 'related' to this discussion. Recently the IAWG has discussed
a desire to explore work around Attribute Management. The draft DG charter
below was crafted, with IAWG input, to capture that discussion and to define
a scope which focuses on:
- Identification of KI stakeholder requirements
- Discovery of works in progress already (both internal and external to KI)
- Performance of gap analysis (between the KI requirements and the works in
- Development of recommendation on how Kantara should move forward.
Potentially to:
- seek to adopt works in progress (external to KI)
- seek to engage in collaboration on works in progress (external to KI)
- seek to form a KI WG to develop new Attribute Management work(s)
We have 2 requests at this time:
1. Send comments back at your earliest convenience. For timing, we'd like
to move this forward next week.
2. Confirm if you would 'sign-on' as a proposer (item 6)
Thank you in advance for your time, comments and endorsement for this draft.
> *
> *(1) DISCUSSION GROUP NAME* (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name):
> The DG name, acronym and abbreviation must not include trademarks not owned
> by the Organization, or content that is infringing, harmful, or
> inappropriate.
> *Attribute Management Discussion Group (AMDG)*
> *(2) DISCUSSION TOPIC/PURPOSE/MOTIVATION:* Please provide a clear
> statement of the topic, purpose, and/or motivation for requesting the
> formation of this DG.
> The purpose of this Discussion Group is to:
> - IDENTIFY: Consensus on a working definition of "Attribute" for purposes
> of fulfilling further bullets below.
> - IDENTIFY: Kantara Initiative stakeholder requirements regarding Attribute
> Management.
> - DISCOVER: Attribute Management activities under development both internal
> and external to Kantara Initiative.
> - GAP ANALYSIS: Attribute Management KI stakeholder requirements compared
> to work under development (both internal and external to KI)
> - RECOMMEND: scope of work, potential KI adoption of external works,
> collaboration with external organizations and/or new WG in KI to perform
> design phase of Attribute Management based on requirements, discovery and
> gap analysis.
> Areas of consideration include Attribute:
> - Assurance
> - Schema
> - Provisioning
> - Binding
> - Consent Management (Release, Notice, Privacy)
> Related to the commonality in verticals including:
> - Finance, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications, Jurisdictional, etc
> NOTE: The duration of this group is expected to be generally short in
> nature as the group mission is to discover, analyze for gaps and then make a
> recommendation. The estimated duration of the DG is approximately 6 months
> (or further as decided by the AMDG voting Participants.)*
> *
> *(3) LEADERSHIP:* Proposed DG Chair subject to confirmation by a vote of
> the DG Participants.
> *
> *(4) AUDIENCE:* Anticipated Participants in this DG.
> Actors:
> - Identity Providers
> - Relying Parties / Data Recipients
> Related KI Groups:
> - eGovernment WG
> - Identity Assurance WG
> - Privacy and Public Policy WG
> - Federation Interoperability WG
> - Trust Framework Meta-Model WG
> - Business Cases for Trusted Federation
> - Information Sharing WG
> - User Managed Access WG
> Related External Groups:
> - ANSI
> - Research and Education Federation (REFEDS)
> - OIX
> - IDABC for Claims
> Related works:
> - Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)
> - Service Provisioning Mark-up Language (SPML)
> - Personal Data Store*
> *
> *(5) COPYRIGHT POLICY:* The Organization approved Intellectual Property
> Rights Policy to cover any copyright material that may be produced as a
> result of DG 'Participants' posts to the wiki or email archives.
> <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/2293776/Kantar…>
> Kantara Initiative IPR Policy<http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/2293776/Kantar…>- Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution
> *
> *
> *(6) PROPOSERS:* Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations
> of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the DG.
> At least 3 Participants are required to request formation of a DG.
> 1. Helen Hill, HIMSS
> 2. <insert>
> 3. <insert>